Saturday, May 30, 2009

Last Day of School

So, yesterday was the last day of a VERY LONG school year. We decided to go celebrate with cheap food and beer. Well, I didn't drink beer. I chose the $7 drinks. Haha! Anyways, this is a picture of only a small amount of the WONDERFUL friends I have at work. These gals are 'good people" as Betsy would say. I smile every day at work knowing that I have people there that are supportive and nurturing. It's not easy teaching at our school, but we help each other through it. Now, DOT DOT DOT let's all have an AWESOME SUMMER!!!

'How Big Are You?"


Friday, May 22, 2009

One Size DOESN'T Fit All

In the morning I typically get Bradyn dressed and Karl gets Josh dressed. While I was changing Bray's diaper Karl was helping Josh get dressed. I heard Josh say, "Daddy, this shirt is too little." Karl said "That's because you're little." I thought that was cute. A few minutes later I then heard Josh say, "Daddy, my shorts are too tight". I thought that it was weird that he was complaining about his clothes because they are all brand new and I knew they should fit him okay. So, I looked up and happened to notice that Karl had put Bradyn's outfit on Josh! Josh is a 4T and Bray's outfit was a 12-18 month!!!! I was laughing hysterically! Josh thought it was hilarious that he had his baby brother's clothes on. I said "Karl! How did you NOT know you were putting Bradyn's clothes on Josh?!". He said "I hope this isn't a preview of the rest of my day". Hahaha!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Growing by Leaps and Bounds

It's hard to believe that Bradyn will be 9 months old in just a week. He is growing so quickly and his personality is so amazing! The best thing about Bradyn is how much he loves his brother. They play together constantly and they just adore one another.

Josh Kisses the Pavement

After Josh's program at school today I took him to "celebrate" at Red Robin. Lisa and Kyle met us there and they had a GREAT time. He was having such a fun day and when we got home he really wanted to play out back with Jonah next door. They were playing on the Little Tykes gym and Josh headed for the slide. I looked over and saw that he tried to go down the slide on his belly (head first) and somehow he rolled off the side of the slide and went mouth-first into the patio. Anyone who knows me knows that I immediately panic in these types of situations. My first thought was, "Oh my God! He just busted his front teeth out of his head!" He wouldn't let me look OR touch anything, but from what I can tell his teeth seem to be in tact. Good thing we have another set on it's way in a few years!

Josh's Last Day of Preschool

Today was Josh's last day of his first year of preschool. Karl and I are so proud of him. His first day of school was 6 days after Bradyn was born. So, needless to say he had a little bit of a rough start with not wanting to work ("No thanks Miss Susan. I will just watch".) and only wanting to go to recess. As the weeks went on he became such a good student and his teacher fell in love with him. He has learned so much and I can't believe how fast this year went by. It's hard to think that we will be signing him up for Kindergarten this time next year.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Cousin's Kids

These pictures were taken last month at Ashtyn's 1st birthday party (my cousin's little girl). Bradyn had a great time playing with his cousins Dean and Ashtyn. Dean was born just about a week and a half after Bradyn. I LOVE that my cousins and I have kids the same ages. I think it brings us even closer as the years go on. Now....if Karl and I could get our siblings to have some kids!

Page Background

So, I have already gotten a few comments about how my background is "girly" and I have a picture of two boys on there. That is just something everyone is going to have to deal with. Everything around my house is blue and green. I need to express my "girly"side somewhere! If ever given an option i ALWAYS will choose PINK! ;o)

Life as We Know It

Things are going well for us these days. I am trying to get a good balance of life and make sure that I don't lose my mind in the meantime. I only have 2 more weeks left of work until summer break. I am REALLY looking forward to this because there is a TON of things I would like to get done around the house. I don't know about you, but I always have a list of things that I would like to accomplish when I get home every night or maybe on the weekends. It seems that by the time these evenings and weekends roll around I am just so exhausted that they don't get done. I really have to get ORGANIZED! I am actually very excited about cleaning and organizing this summer.

We are leaving for Destin, FL in 3 weeks. Ahhhhhh! Our 1st vacation in 5 years! Guess I better hit the tanning beds because it's been awhile since my skin has seen the tropical sun. I don't know what Karl is going to do because he wears SPF50 and STILL looks like a lobster. If you think I am kidding just wait...I will have pictures to prove it. Haha!

Well, I am Going to Give this a Try

I started a blog a few years ago, however, I think I only posted a few notes on it and then I forgot all about it. A friend of mine started a blog yesterday and it really made me realize that I should get back into the whole "blogging" experience. I think it is a wonderful way to share family stories/happenings with family and friends. So, keep nagging me about posting things onto my blog to make sure I stick with it. I know Karl has been trying to get me to do this for years.