Monday, November 16, 2009

Apple Picking 10-11-09

For the first time ever, we took the boys apple picking. It wasn't only their first time, but mine too! We went with the Bertino's and Hudson's. It was soooooo cold that day. I hadn't gotten a chance to get Josh a new winter coat for the year so he had to wear last years coat. Haha! It was so small on him, poor kid. We picked so many apples! Definitely more than we could eat because I threw away about half of them because they went bad before we could eat them. Josh had a great time running through the orchard with Cole and Isaak.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Josh's Field Trip to Daniels Pumpkin Farm 10-7-09

Josh's preschool class went on a field trip to Daniel's Pumpkin farm again this year. he absolutely loves it there. They get to go on a train (really tractor) ride, play on the playground, go into the petting zoo, play in the huge hay maze, and on the way out they get to pick out a pumpkin to take home. It took a lot of bribing to get him out of that maze! That child would have stayed in there all day if I let him!

Walk in the Park 10-3-09

Every year the Down Syndrome Association has what they call "A Walk in the Park" at the stadium. My little cousin was born with Down's Syndrome and they have been attending this every year since he was born in 200. We haven't been able to make it to every one, but we go when we can. The first game Josh ever went to was for the Walk in the Park when he was only 4 months old and hasn't been back until this time....4 years later! He had so much fun! My parents didn't go with us, but my dad happened to win tickets at work the day before. They were right behind home plate. It was FREEZING way up high where we were sitting because of the wind so after they stopped checking tickets we went down and sat with them.

Before Pictures of my Scrapbook Studio

Well, here it is. It's the room I have been waiting for since about 2003! My scrapbook studio!!! One thing I have missed the most from my life before I was married was having my very own room...a girly room that is. I have been scrapbooking since 2000 and over the years I have collected so many items that the bags and tubs don't hold it all anymore, so it was time to designate the extra bedroom into the room of my dreams. I have the furniture and all of my stuff loaded int my room at this point. However, for a birthday present I asked if Karl would paint mt room for me and very soon the walls will be "Cotton Candy" pink! I have a lot of ideas for my room, but the most important thing to me is organization and having everything easily accessible so that I can utilize everything. I am very excited to have my very own room. I'm so excited in fact that I got a vinyl saying from Uppercase Living to put on the outside of my door that says "No Boys Allowed". I will post more pics as soon as the room gets painted.

Bradyn's 1st Birthday 8-28-09

Well, who would believe that Bradyn is already a year old. It's hard to believe that he has been here for a whole year already. I feel like I just brought him home from the hospital and just watched him roll over for the first time. It is so amazing to watch him grow and learn new things. He is so funny. He LOVES his big brother and actually likes to beat up on him. haha! It is also amazing for me to see how much Josh has grown since we brought Bray home. When I look at pictures Josh looks like he is still a baby and now looking at him it feels as if he is school-age. Time goes by so fast and I cherish EVERY moment with my boys. Happy birthday sweetheart!