Saturday, September 26, 2009

Over the River and Through Illinois... Great Grandparents house we go! On July 18 we packed up the car and headed north to visit my Mamma and Pappa. This was Bradyn's first road trip and was also Josh's first road trip as a baby! The actual driving part went okay. Bradyn didn't really sleep at all. He didn't fuss much either, but he refused to fall asleep. The boys had such a wonderful time visiting their great grandparents and I know Mamma and Pappa had a blast as well. They probably slept for a solid week after we left. Haha!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Our 1st T-Ball Experience

Well, In wanted to attempt this last year, but Karl said we should wait one more year. Josh joined the YMCA T-Ball league and had a blast! Karl was one of the coaches and was really patient with all of the wee-ones. They had some trouble at first with the whole "I got it" concept. They ALL thought they had it so before you knew it there was a massive pile-up on the field. Hysterical does not even come close to describing that. Haha! Josh had a really great time playing ball and did a great job as well. i wonder what sport he will want to try next.

Neighborhood Friends

When we lived at our old house there was no other kids for Josh to play with...NONE. So, when we began our search for a new home we made sure to check out all of the neighborhoods to make sure there were lots of little ones for our kids to grow up with. Well, we struck gold because there are so many friends for Josh and Bray to play with. They all get along so well. I hope that this is the start of some life-long friendships.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Building a Swingset

Well, Josh has been wanting a swingset for at least 2 years. So, for his birthday we hooked him up with a nice one. It was quite a bit of work. But, with help from family, neighbors, AND the neighbors went up without any problems. Josh LOVES it and Karl had to mow a path from our house to the Matusofsky's house so Sara can come over and play without having to walk through the empty lot.

Water Fun with Cousins 7-2-09

The kids have been DYING to get together and play. So, Lisa brought Ashley and Kyle over to have some water fun.